Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Luke 17 and the Rapture

Why is it that Luke 17:24-36 is never mentioned when the Rapture is discussed? I find that these verses clearly show when the Rapture will occur so I've made the following article to show how I see things. Can anyone show how this passage can be viewed differently?

The following chart and text examine the verses in Luke 17:24-36 which are entirely about the day Jesus returns like lightning. I start with Matt. 24 to show the timing of the verses in Luke 17:24-36.

Point 3 on the chart is Matt. 24:21, the Great Tribulation, and then after the tribulation …

Point 5 (Matt. 24:27, 30) says that Jesus will appear like lightning - Luke 17:24 is the parallel verse.

Now let's follow the verses in Luke 17 which describe Jesus' return AFTER the Great Tribulation.

Points 6 and 7 (Luke 17:26-29) describe the sudden destruction of sinners in the days of Noah and Lot then …

Point 8 (Luke 17:30) says that it (the destruction) will be just the same when Jesus returns. Also …

Point 9 (Luke 17:31-33) says that “ON THAT DAY” no one should look to earthly things but to remember Lot's

wife because …

Points 10 and 11 (Luke 17:34-35) say that “one will be taken and the other left” and this is the Rapture.

So, AFTER the Great Tribulation, Jesus will return like lightning to rapture believers and to destroy sinners.

This chart shows the flow of events as:

1) The Antichrist ………………………………… at Point 1.

2) The Great Tribulation ………………………… at Point 3.

3) Jesus appears like lightening …………………. at Point 5.

4) The Rapture and the Day Of The Lord ……….. at Points 8 to 11.

Rescuing the righteous and then destroying the sinners was the pattern in the days of Noah and Lot and Jesus said, in Luke 17:30, that it would be the same when He returns.

Mick Alexander

1 comment:

  1. I have hope the rapture will happen before the great tribulation. In Matthew 24, the author quotes Jesus talking about at least two events - 70 AD and His coming back. I think Jesus was talking about three events - 70 AD, rapture and His second coming.

    In Luke 17 Jesus makes a point that He comes like a flash of light BEFORE the tribulation starts (versus 27 and 28). The most interesting verse is #37. It doesn't look like we disappear but in fact we leave our flesh behind and our spirit joins Jesus in the air.
